Institute Information

Individual member CMCs as of 30 June 2020

Members of the IMC who are qualified/awarded as CMC excluding FCMCs and CMCs certified by an ACP of the IMC (these will be recorded in the next section)
Members of the IMC who are qualified/awarded as FCMCs

Other individual members as of 30 June 2020

All other grades of individual members (non-CMCs) except Students and Retired

Accredited Consulting Practices ACPs as of 30 June 2020

Consultants working at your member ACP who are qualified/awarded as CMCs
Consultants working at your ACP Member who are qualified/awarded as FCMCs

CMC Firms as of 30 June 2020

Corporate Members as of 30 June 2020

Market Information

Fees (Million Euro) per annum
Please include your estimate, as it is the best estimate we have!

Institute Infrastructure

Institute Information

Address to be in the following format:

  1. Office no. if applicable
  2. Building no. if applicable
  3. Street name
  4. City
  5. Country
Please note that only numbers are accepted in this field, therefore, only enter numbers with no spaces or characters. For example, a no. with international codes would be entered as follows: 0012376800912, do not use (+) or (-) or spaces before or between numbers.
Please note that only numbers are accepted in this field, therefore, only enter numbers with no spaces or characters. For example, a no. with international codes would be entered as follows: 0012376800912, do not use (+) or (-) or spaces before or between numbers.

Contact information for follow up on financial matters

Head of Marketing or PR

Representatives appointed to ICMCI as Delegates

The number of delegates that may be assigned is based on the total number of individual consulting members in the national institute, as follows:

Consulting members Delegates
0 - 499 1
500 - 999 2
1.000 - 1.999 3
> 2.000 4

Note: Where more Delegates are appointed than are eligible to vote, based on the total number of individual consulting members in the national institute, the First named Delegate(s) will be considered the voting Delegate(s), and all additional provided names will be recorded as 'non-voting' in our records.

Point of contact for Triennial Assessments

Key Performance Indicators

Keeping contact with and within ICMCI

please explain, if necessary.

Participation in and promotion of ICMCI products

Good Practices

(Please use rounding and/or estimates if those are more meaningful)

Contact information for follow up on queries related to the survey

Please provide us with the contact information of the person responsible for completing this survey, in case of questions. A confirmation of receipt of your completed survey will be emailed to the address submitted below.


When all information is completed, and you have printed the form, please click the Submit button to send us your member information.

CMC Certification Client Evaluation

The CMC-Global Institute (CMC-GI) is completing the process for certification of candidates for CMC® (Certified Management Consultant). To this end, we will be grateful if you would complete the this survey to provide an evaluation of CMC Candidate who has provided your name as a client contact. We would appreciate receiving your completed survey within a week of receiving this request.

Thank you for your assistance in this evaluation.

4. Assessment Date (date survey is filled out)

6. From Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

7. To Date (MM/DD/YYYY)


This assessment survey has 45 questions that should be answered in order:
1) Two questions, one at the beginning and one at the end have a rating but also ask for written
comments on the reasons behind the answer.
2) 43 statements ask you to rate various qualities or attributes of the consultant.
There are 43 statements/questions divided into 9 areas of assessment. For each statement, please
indicate your level of agreement.

You need not express an opinion on statements:
1) which do not apply to your organization or the specific engagement involving the candidate
2) which you know nothing about.
In such circumstances, please move on to the next statement. The survey takes
approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

10. Situation Assessment (Consultant helped me assess my business/organization’s situation, challenges and opportunities)

11. Analysis and Solution
(Consultant helped us develop strategies for improvement)

12. Implementation of Recommendations
(Consultant helped us implement recommendations)

13. Consulting Process
(Consulting assignment was well conducted)

14. Interpersonal Skills
(Consultant demonstrated interpersonal competencies)

15. Other Competencies
(Consultant demonstrated other personal competencies)

16. Ethical Behaviour
(Consultant demonstrated ethical behaviour)

H - Functional Competence
(Consultant demonstrated functional competence)

I - Management Breadth
(Consultant demonstrated management breadth)

Thank you for your help in safeguarding the highest professional standards for CMC designation with CMC-Global Institute. Your comments will be treated in the strictest confidence, not revealed to the candidate, and used only for the purpose of CMC designation appraisal.

Dear Colleagues,

At the end of April your Board of Directors met virtually. You can check out the public minutes HERE.


By completing this form, you will help us to continuously improve our performance. Please indicate your assessment against each question on a scale of:

1 = Poor;      2 = Fair;      3 = Satisfactory;      4 = Good;      5 = Very Good;      6 = Excellent

If you assess any question as “6” it would be helpful to know if there was something which particularly influenced your score.  Alternatively, if your assessment is “3” or below it would be helpful if you could suggest how we might improve our performance. Please continue your answers overleaf.

Course content

Course materials

Course instructors



Suggestions for improvement


Dear Colleagues,



Dear Colleagues,

This is a special update to inform you of an ICMCI initiative to support our member Institutes.





Dear Fellow Members of ICMCI


Dear Colleagues,



Update February 2020



Quality Assurance Committee: For an evolving CMC-Global 

