• ICMCI Asia Pacific Hub 2024

    ICMCI and IMC India invite you to attend our virtual 2024 Asia Pacific Hub Meeting! For full details, please access Agenda and Registration PDF and Word   Once registration is received by emailing it to imci2020@gmail.com  and cmc-global@cmc-global.org, you will be provided with the online payment link followed by the Zoom meeting details...

  • ICMCI: March 2024 Chair Update & Open Discussion

    Chairs, Officers, Board Directors, Delegates, and Executive Directors of all Institutes are invited to register. We are looking forward to our continued collaboration, registration for attendance is required and the links are as follows: 1st Session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85077095374?pwd=SHdSQnB0UzN0SEZpL3pTbFFqV2VnQT09  OR https://bit.ly/43eJotq...

  • The official events website is now live and ready for you to explore!


  • International Consultants Day

    The ICMCI International Consultants Day Celebrations this year fall in two sessions that address the same title but with different speakers. The sessions are as follows: FIRST SESSION REGISTRATION LINK SECOND SESSION REGISTRATION LINK

  • ICMCI: May 2023 Chair Update & Open Discussion

    Chairs, Officers, Board Directors, Delegates, and Executive Directors of all Institutes are invited to register. We are looking forward to our continued collaboration, registration for attendance is required and the links are as follows: 1st Session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89542682488?pwd=SXRJZm4wUTk2ZG5RK0MxNzdUSnVkQT09  OR https://bit.ly/3BfG9or...

  • IMCNZ’s 2023 online mini-conference Fresh Insights

      IMCNZ’s 2023 online mini-conference Fresh Insights brings you insights from a range of experienced international and New Zealand speakers.   The focus is on successfully finding ways to address new and different challenges and opportunities   Kicking off at NZT 14:30 pm (01:30 UTC) on February 22nd, Fresh Insights will be an afternoon of new...

  • ICMCI: January 2023 Chair Update & Open Discussion

    Chairs, Officers, Board Directors, Delegates, and Executive Directors of all Institutes are invited to register. We are looking forward to our continued collaboration, registration for attendance is required and the links are as follows: 1st Session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82429381899?pwd=cTBGRnQwcjNXMmwxSFc3QU5rVUFSZz09  OR https://bit.ly/3Wyb5ch...

  • Management Consultancy in 2032 - Time travel into the future

    Date and time: 4 November @ 8:00 UTC for the edition with guest speakers from Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe @ 14:00 UTC for the edition with guest speakers from the Americas Duration of each edition: 90 minutes Join the ICMCI Future Leaders from around the world and you will be taken time traveling fast forwarding to the year 2032! Take this opportunity to fuel your...

  • Constantinus International Award 2022

    Join us in our virtual celebration of our success stories! The Constantinus International Award Ceremony on October 12, 2022 @ 12:00 UTC Please confirm your attendance by registering at the below link by October 4, 2022 REGISTER HERE

  • ICMCI: October 2022 Chair Update & Open Discussion

      Delegates, Chairs, Board Directors, and Executive Directors of all Institutes are invited to register The update and open discussion with the Chair are scheduled as a virtual meeting on Tuesday the 4th of October with two sessions to target participation from all our institutes different time zones.  The sessions are at 08:00 UTC and 15:00 UTC. Details and...
