The International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) is a not-for-profit organisation registered in Switzerland as a Verein. The purpose of the ICMCI is defined by the Swiss registration document and the Verein is regulated by Swiss Law.

Procedures for governance and operation of the ICMCI are laid down in the bylaws: the current bylaws were agreed at the Annual Meeting of October 2023.

The registered name of our organization is the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), but we are also known as 'CMC-Global'.

CMC-Global Governance Structure

The affairs of CMC-Global are controlled by its Assembly of Delegates. Delegates are representatives from Member Institutes (Members) who are elected or appointed by the Member Institutes. The Assembly of Delegates meets annually.
Being a Delegate is an honour for those chosen. Delegates represent the territory of their IMC and participate in activities that shape the profession of Management Consulting globally. But the role involves considerable activity; Member institutes need to ensure that their Delegates have the motivation, time and ability to carry out the role professionally.

Member Institutes need to ensure their Delegates have adequate available time and resources (e.g. secretarial support, fax, email, office space, travel budgets etc.) so that they can participate effectively. Delegates need easy access to decision-makers in their national institutes and they have to travel to meetings - at least once a year, sometimes to far-off destinations. Delegates can be elected or appointed by Member Institutes using any method and for any length of time, but we expect Delegates to serve for at least two years. We ask that Member Institutes keep the CMC-Global Secretariat up-to-date with the names, duration of term of office, and appointment dates of all Delegates.

The number of Delegates for each Member Institute is based on the total number of individuals in their institute who are classed as 'consulting members', as follows:

Consulting Members Delegates
0 - 499 1
500 - 999 2
1000 - 1999 3
> 2000 4

Only Full Members of CMC-Global are entitled to select Delegates. Provisional Members, that is those not yet adjudged to be in a position to award the CMC, are welcome to send representatives to participate in meetings and activities, but they cannot vote.

Responsibilities of Delegates
Delegates should be prepared to participate for at least two years in CMC-Global annual meetings and to serve on committees and project groups. Their duties are to:

  • attend and vote at the Annual Meeting of Delegates
  • participate in all votes and elections, including the election of Board members
  • make the views of their national institute known to CMC-Global
  • report CMC-Global matters to their national institute and ensure their institute communicates effectively these matters to all its members
  • act as a communications channel between CMC-Global and their national institute
  • participate actively in committees, task forces and working parties
  • ensure that the CMC-Global Secretariat is notified of all details of their appointment (contact information, date of appointment, personal profile information, etc.)

Assembly of Delegates
The affairs of CMC-Global shall be controlled by its Assembly of Delegates. The Assembly of Delegates consists of all the Delegates of the full Members. Members of the Assembly of Delegates shall have a professional management consulting qualifications including certification by a Member.
The Assembly of Delegates shall meet annually in the Annual Meeting of Delegates. The date shall be established six months prior to the meeting. The Board shall report annually the achievement against the previous plan and a revised plan tabled for review and approval by the Delegates in their annual meeting. The policies established by the Assembly of Delegates shall be carried out by the officers of the organization. The Terms of Reference of the Board must be approved by the Delegates.

Annual Meeting of Delegates

  1. Annual Meeting notice:
    The date of the Annual Meeting of Delegates shall be established six months prior to the meeting. Notice will be emailed to all Delegates.
  2. Quorum:
    A simple majority of the number of voting Delegates shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of Delegates where proper notice has been given,
    If less than such a majority is present in person or by proxy at a meeting a simple majority of the Delegates present may adjourn the meeting without further notice.
  3. Proposed resolutions:
    Proposed resolutions must be advised to Delegates 21 days prior to the meeting
    Proposed resolutions require a simple majority of Delegates votes at the meeting to be accepted, unless bylaws demand a larger majority.
  4. Manner of acting:
    The act of a simple majority of the Assembly of Delegates present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Delegates, unless the act of greater number is required by the Bylaws.

CMC‐Global Board

CMC-Global is governed by the Board of CMC-Global. The purpose of the Board is to provide the strategic direction and operational control of all the activities of CMC-Global.
In discharging their responsibilities, the members of the Board have a duty to act in the best interests of CMC-Global as a whole, irrespective of personal, professional, commercial or other interests, loyalties or affiliations.
The members of the Board of CMC-Global are:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • four (4) Directors
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Immediate Past Chair

They meet regularly via teleconference or video meetings throughout the year. Actions requiring approval of the Delegates are submitted to the Annual Meeting of Delegates for ratification.
CMC-Global Board members are expected to devote the time necessary to participate fully in Annual Meeting of Delegates and Board activities and to serve on at least one operating committee. They should:

  • attend all Annual Meetings of Delegates and any Hub meetings in their area
  • attend and participate in all Board meetings
  • be fully prepared in advance to contribute to all business and committee meetings
  • meet mutually agreed deadlines for committee or task force actions

Board members who miss two consecutive Board meetings should consider whether it is in the best interest of CMC-Global to resign from the Board.

Election of the Board
Members of the Board are elected by the Delegates for terms of three years each. The Delegates elect three new Board members each year at the Annual Meeting of Delegates from Candidates nominated by the Nomination and Succession Planning Committee. The Chair is elected every third year at the end of present Chair mandate period.

Only CMC’s who represent full Members to CMC-Global are eligible to stand as candidates.

Application Form for 2018-2021 in pdf is available HERE.

Application Form for 2019-2022 in pdf is available HERE.

Application Form for 2020-2023 in pdf is available HERE.

Application Form for 2021-2024 in pdf is available HERE.

Application Form for 2022-2025 in pdf is available HERE.

Application Form for 2024-2027 in pdf is available HERE.

The Chair is the Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Annual Meeting of Delegates. It is essential that he or she exercise leadership to move CMC-Global forward. The Chair is elected by the Delegates at the Annual Meeting of Delegates every third year at the end of present Chair mandate period.

The specific duties of the Treasurer are to develop a recommended two-year budget each year beginning July 1, to maintain oversight of revenues and expenses, and to advise the Board on general financial matters. The office of the Secretariat ensures the maintenance of all accounts, issuance of invoices, collection of member dues, payment of invoices authorized by the budget or the Board, and preparation of financial statements as required by the Board. The Members of the Board select the Treasurer among themselves.

The specific duties of the Secretary are to keep the minutes of the Assembly of Delegates meetings and to see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws or as required by law. The Members of the Board select the Secretary among themselves.

Executive Director
The Board delegates to the Executive Director accountability for implementation of its strategic direction/strategic plan. The Executive Director is the sole linkage and point of accountability between the board and the operational organisation. The Executive Director shall carry out and comply with all reasonable and lawful directions given by the Board or by any person authorised by the Board to give such directions.

The Executive Director is responsible for the employment, management and performance evaluation of all staff employed/contracted to the organisation. As long as the Executive Director applies any reasonable interpretation of the board’s policies, i.e. does not set out to defeat the stated intent or the spirit of the policies, he/she is authorised to establish all operational policies, make all operational decisions and design and implement and manage all operational practices and activities.

Committee Roles
There are a number of standing and special committees and task forces of CMC-Global. Permanent standing committees are: the Membership Committee, the Professional Standards Committee, the Quality Assurance Committee and the Nominations and Succession Planning Committee. The Board may create standing committees or task forces from time to time as the need arises. The past chair of CMC-Global is the chair of the Nominations and Succession Planning Committee. Other committee or task force chairs are selected and nominated by the Board. For a complete and current list of active committees and taskforces, see below or refer to the CMC- Global website at

Participation on working committees and task forces is open to any individual member of a CMC-Global Member institute. Committee and Task Force chairs are responsible for:

  • submitting the Terms of Reference of their committees to the Board via the Secretariat, using the approved template
  • submitting an annual activity budget to the Treasurer via the Secretariat
  • recruiting and selecting their committee members to be appointed by the Board
  • scheduling and conducting committee meetings
  • assigning tasks and due dates
  • documenting decisions and ensuring the taking and publication of minutes where appropriate
  • reporting progress to the Board via the Secretariat

List of Committees