• The Annual Meeting of Delegates 2020 - official date announcement

    08/13/2020 - 18:23

    Dear Delegates, I am pleased to confirm that the 2020 annual meeting of delegates will take place on Wednesday 14th October this year.   Because of the continued disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held virtually.  There will be two on-line meetings during the day which will allow delegates from all time zones to participate. We will...

  • The Chair Update July 2020

    07/21/2020 - 21:24

      Dear Colleagues, It has been a crazy time since my last update in May. In fact, 2020 has been a crazy time! I know all Institutes have been working very hard to support their members as your economies go through turmoil. All of us in the consulting profession are striving to support our clients in uncertain times. And at the same time figuring out what the implications...

  • The Chair Update May 2020

    05/22/2020 - 16:05

    Dear Colleagues, At the end of April your Board of Directors met virtually. You can check out the public minutes HERE. I have also done a video overview of this update, which you can check out at the end of this page if you prefer. Your Board, and the Secretariat staff under the leadership of our Executive Director have been very busy. This is an update of our main...

  • Events Calendar

    04/28/2020 - 13:27

      Dear Colleagues, These are unusual times that we are going through, and this calls for unusual actions from us. We are sad to say that this year the Annual CMC Conference will be postponed till next year, we will for sure have a virtual Annual Meeting of Delegates, details of which will be announced, but we find it hard to hold an annual CMC Conference. In 2021...

  • The Chair Update April 2020

    04/14/2020 - 18:18

      Dear Colleagues, This is a special update to inform you of an ICMCI initiative to support our member Institutes. In times like these it is very easy to focus on the immediate. Fortunately, we are all part of a global network, and there is much we can share with each other and learn from each other. As we are all faced with our personal isolation and social distancing,...

  • The Chair Update March 2020

    03/13/2020 - 10:51

      Dear Colleagues, These are turbulent times. On behalf of the Board of ICMCI, I am writing to wish you well as you and your members deal with the uncertainty of the global spread of COVID-19. On March 11, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic. This step is rarely taken, and never has a corona virus been the cause of a pandemic.  For your...

  • The Chair Update February 2020

    02/24/2020 - 17:17

      Update February 2020 My last update to you was in the form of a webinar hosted by our Global Institute. At that time, I gave you an update on the work we did at our Annual General Meeting, and the main topics we addressed at our annual conference. The Global Institute has kindly agreed to provide us with a copy, so if you want an update you can view it HERE. Annual...

  • Quality Assurance Committee: For an evolving CMC-Global

    02/19/2020 - 16:51

      Quality Assurance Committee: For an evolving CMC-Global  QAC is an evolving arm of the Governance of ICMCI, leading to a worldwide elevation of our Profession and the CMC designation. The standards, by which the CMC mark of excellence is granted to Consultants worldwide by member institutes, have not changed fundamentally over time.  However, our own internal...

  • The Chair Update September 2019

    09/25/2019 - 11:08

      Update September 2019 This will be my last update before our Annual Meeting in Nassau. It has been my pleasure to be in contact with you every two months since my election, with these updates on our work. As usual, I have also created a version of this in video which you can see HERE. Annual Meeting Preparation By now you will have received an email from the...

  • ISO 20700 Self-Declaration Checklist Train the Trainer, Nassau

    08/09/2019 - 17:28

    Consulting According to ISO20700  trained by ICMCI   Registration open till Friday September 20, 2019.  Limited seats (only 15), reservation is on first come first serve basis.   In order to provide practical and hands on support for management consultants in demonstrating their work according to the ISO 20700, CMC-Global (ICMCI) has developed...
